Hoisting of Sinhale Flag and Commemoration of Variyapola Sri Sumangala Thero, 200thyears Anniversary of Kandyan Kingdom surrender to British empire.
The Police at the entrance acted very aggressively grabbing National flag from Monks and threw away and threatened the Monks a well as other lay participants who attended the same. Then when the Flag was raised the Police again intervened and created mayhem to which thousands of crowd and foreigners were eye witnessed the cruel behaviour of the Police.The Police from lower to high ranks unaware of the history, culture, politics or ethics at all, created the ugly and provocative situation and immediately brought down the Flag upon hoisting while we were watching. However, upon conclusion of the event we were not allowed to return peacefully by Police again, who blocked our way and threatened every participant, abducting a monk for questioning by over 15 policemen, an threatening and forcing us to give statement.
02nd March 2015, Magul Maduwa, Kandy Dalada MaaligawaSwarna Hansa Foundation and Sinhale Jaathika Peramuna
Hoisting of Sinhale Flag and Commemoration of Variyapola Sri Sumangala Thero, 200th years Anniversary of Kandyan Kingdom surrender to British empire.
We refused any statement as we are not liable to answer the Police on Religious and Cultural matters which is none of their business. Then they assaulted monks and two monks are injured and now admitted to hospital under treatments. Police is totally responsible for the whole episode.
රට බෙදන්නට අර අදින රායප්පු ජෝශප්ලා ප්රමුඛ බෙදුම්වාදීන් උතුරේ කොටි කොඩිය ඔසවත්දී බල නොපාන නීතිය සිංහල දේශයේ සැබෑ උරුමකරුවන් වූ සිංහලයන් සිංහල ධජය එසවීමේදී පමණක් අකුරටම ක්රියාත්මක වීම තරයේ හෙළා දකිමු. කලු සුද්දන් හැදූ වැඩූ නීතියත් සිතින් ගතින් පරගැතියන් වූ ජාතිකත්වය සිද ගත් නීතිය කරවන නිළධරයනුත් යටතේ සුපුරුදු පරිදි එදා මෙන්ම අදත්, හෙටත් ක්රියාත්මක වන්නේ මේ රටේ සැබෑ උරුමකරුවන් වූ සිංහල බෞද්ධයා ඉලක්ක කරගෙන පමණය.(විඩියෝව පහතින් නරඹන්න)
4 Responses to “Sinhale still under White rule. Now governed by Black whites !”
March 4th, 2015 at 11:52 am
March 4th, 2015 at 3:26 pm
March 5th, 2015 at 9:55 am
but then to use the police who are by and large Singhalese Buddhists. whose relatives seek the blessing of the Sanga and where the Buddhist Sanga has played an integral role in Sri Lanka’s politics including her written history for 2500 years is to HIT THE VERY FOUNDATION OF THE SINGHALESE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT. you say “Please do not hurt the Sanga”
March 5th, 2015 at 8:58 pm